☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ Experience ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩

see full portfolio


Magnify Wellness (Nonprofit Founder, Executive Director)

Skills: Leadership, UserTesting, Notion, Miro, Google Suite, Monday, Trello, Google Analytics, Google AdSense, JavaScript (React Native, Expo, EmailJS), SendGrid API, Firebase/Cloud Firestore, iOS Development

I coded and published from the ground up to the Apple/GooglePlay Store a mental health app called Magnify Wellness. The mission is to ensure everyone has the ability to find quality, affordable mental health support. My qualtiative user research stated that 54% of youth (ages 15-19) do not know where and how to locate mental health support, and 45% have felt an increased sense of loneliness during Januar-March 2020, indictive of the pandemic. I synthesized my user research to create the app, and later founded 501 (c)(3) nonprofit to expand the app's positive impact. As founder and Executive Director, I managed 12+ teams in their day to day operations, launched partnerships with other mental health orgs, secured $100k+ in funding (Top 6 world finalists Global Health Innovations from Bay Area competition), and oversaw the completion of our other community initiatives. Our global impact includes 100k+ youth reached, 4k+ app downloads, 2k+ wellness resources on our online database, and 70+ established chapter clubs with free school binders sent. Learn more and get involved here


Tikdin (Product Mangement Intern)

Skills: Product Management, JIRA, Agile Development, Amplitude

Tikdin is a social media mobile app that helps aspiring PM's learn from more seasoned PM's by watching short videos.

I led redesign and launch of new video commenting feature, resulting in 20% increase in DAU in the first week.

Currently, I am participating in the first Associate Product Manager cohort bootcamp, completing daily assignments in data analysis, product discovery, product marketing, user research, and community management in order to build essential product management skills.


Curious Cardinals (Coding and Entreprenuership Mentor)

Skills: Programming, Writing, Communication, Notion, Google Slides, Product Design, User Reserach/Customer Discovery, Startup life

Curious Cardinals is an education technology startup with a goal to help youth reach their passion through dedicated support from a supportive mentor with extensive domain expertise. Curious Cardinals raised $3.1m+ in funding from multiple top VC's and notable angel investors in Silicon Valley.

I mentored 3 high schoolers in high-impact projects pertaining to sustainable entrepreneurship, frontend website development, leadership skills, personal growth, product storytelling, and Unity 3D game design/development. Prior to every session, I research and design comprehensive lesson plans using Google products (slideshows, jamboards, whiteboards) and actively communicate with my mentee's parents about timelines, goals, and expectations of every lesson. See testimonials from parents/students of my 1:1 mentorship here


Bank of America (3x iOS Engineering Intern)

Skills: Data analysis,
iOS Development (Swift13, MVVM framework, Clean Architecture, CoreData, reactive), Leadership, Communication, Agile development (Scrum), JIRA, Tableu

[Summer 2021] I partnered with UX Research, Marketing, and Community Management to create dashboard that synthesizes 10k+ business report data, reducing load time by 50%

[Summer 2022] I built and designed two iOS applications within a crossfuncional team of a Scrum Master, Senior iOS Engineer, and QA tester

[Summer 2023] coming soon! Product Management/Business Analyst/iOS engineer


Technology Education / Women in STEM Advocate

Skills: Leadership, Product Management, iOS Development, Programming, Public Speaking

[Association of Computing Machinery, WWU Chapter - Club President] I grew club to 30+ more active members and taught technical and career workshops. I founded the Passion Project initiative that enables students to start their own coding project for their professional resume from scratch with the assistance from mentors, guides, and tailored skill-building exercises.

[Girls Who Code Hawai'i Chapter Club President]

[CoderDojo - Programming Mentor]

[Reinvented Magazine - Writer ]

Total: 2k+ in active volunteering hours.
I'm passionate about helping youth thrive in their professional careers and cultivating a safe space for girls interested in learning how to code.


Student Technology Center (Lead App Developer and Product Manager)

Skills: Microsoft Suite/Google Suite, Figma, Programming, UX Research, Wireframing, Teamwork, Product knowledge, Teaching, Organizational Management, Customer Service

I created 5+ detailed Notion guides on building React Native apps through a project-based approach in order to create access to STEM education and increased technical literacy in college students. Contact me for the Notion page!

Currently, I am in the implementation and design stage of the STC's first mobile app to streamline communication of available tech and mentors to check out at the front desk on campus. I performed user research with approval from the Software Team Lead and STC President, designed wireframes in collaboration with the design team, and am now implementing the fullstack architecture from scratch. In the future, I plan on synthesizing the data from the research survey and iteratively building the product based on user's needs. Then, I will publish the mobile app to a focus group of committed beta testers.

☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ Speaking Engagements ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩

It was so amazing having you as a speaker, and you touched the hearts of everyone who attended and watched! Your tips were insightful, and hearing about your experiences as a woman in STEM was inspiring! - She Creates Makeathon organizers

Abigayle was the most inspiring, helpful, knowledgeable, and patient mentor. Through that short one hour, she generously offered me guidance and expert advice from her extensive experience as the entrepenuer of an international non-profit, from navigating high school to jump-starting my cs career to launching my organization, and everything in between. She was quick to lend her help, answer my questions, and a truly passionate worker and leader for social impact. She was such an amazing, caring, open person to talk to and beyond the valuable help she gave me, we had such a memorable conversation and her story is inspiring for me as a role model, and other girls likewise who are pursuing STEM endeavours.


Women in STEM Movie Documentary

Skills: Leadership, Product Management, iOS Development,
JavaScript, Data Analysis, Agile, User Research

I was casted in a 1-hour movie documentary as part of a campaign to encourage K-12 students to pursue a career in STEM, and I represented Computer Science.


Techtogether Boston Hackathon Workshop Presenter

Skills: Leadership, Product Management, iOS Development,
JavaScript, Data Analysis, Agile, User Research

I presented at the largest hackathon in Boston on the how we can apply mental health topics into future technologies.


She Creates Makeathon Speaker

Skills: Leadership, Product Management, iOS Development,
JavaScript, Data Analysis, Agile, User Research

I spoke at a 200+ attendees all-female makeathon on my personal journey to pursue a Computer Science career.

☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ Contact Me ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩

Or email me: abigayle@magnifywellness.org